
Andrea Lobo

Software Developer


Oct 2020
Pix4D Madrid, Spain
Frontend Software Engineer Nov 2023 -Current
► Development of PIX4Dcloud, a cloud-based photogrammetry software that enables users to create professional orthomosaics, point clouds, models, and more from drone imagery.
Angular Jest TypeScript Figma
Mobile Software Engineer Jul 2023 -Nov 2023
► Development of PIX4Dcatch, mobile application that transforms your device into a professional handheld 3D scanner, enabling you to capture and process 3D data from your surroundings.
Android Kotlin Fastlane CI/CD Conan CMake
Mobile Software Engineer Oct 2020 -Jul 2023
► Development of PIX4Dcapture Pro and PIX4Dscan, mobile applications (iOS and Android) for data acquisition with drones and mission planning for 3D mapping
Qt C++ Squish Agile Python CI/CD Git Mixpanel
Apr 2020
Jun 2020
Cervezas La Cibeles Madrid, Spain
Junior Android Developer
► Internship Contract. Development of a barcode scanning app that captures, decodes and displays relevant information from images of beer barcodes
Android Kotlin Firebase AA Kit Git GitHub Actions
Oct 2019
Imagar Solutions Company Madrid, Spain
Junior QA
► Internship Contract
► Functional and automation testing
Python Selenium Postman SonarQube JMeter


Languages JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, C++
Web Angular, React, HTML, CSS, Node.js
Cross-platform React Native, Flutter, Qt
Mobile Android
Tools Firebase, Postman, Git, Fastlane, Jest
Databases SQLite, MySQL, MongoDB


Spanish Native
English C1


2020 Associate Degree in Cross-platform Applications Development - CFP Juan XXIII
2019 Professional Certificate in Computer Security IFCT0109 (SEPE)
2018 Bachelor of Media and Communications at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


2017 Red Cross - School support at Usera I Children's Day Center
2016 Esplai - Teaching basic computer literacy skills in penitentiary centers in Madrid


Tv-Tracker (2020) Website
Free app for TV fans. It allows you to keep track of the episodes you have watched and synchronize them in real time in the cloud.
Android Kotlin Retrofit3 Coroutines Firebase Realtime Database AnyChart